WikiTree Day

What is WikiTree Day?

WikiTree first opened in November 2008. Last year, 2022, we decided to celebrate our 14th anniversary by officially designating November 5 as WikiTree Day. We marked the anniversary with a symposium, a party, and a whole lot more.

We had so much fun last year, we are doing it again! Only bigger. And better. Because this year it's WikiTree's 15th anniversary!

There will be a virtual anniversary party, presentations about all the opportunities our community offers, videos about the different projects on WikiTree, a panel discussion about genealogy and artificial intelligence ... plus games, door prizes and much more!

It's more than 60 hours of events. We start with a free genealogy symposium with a variety of leading speakers on genealogical topics. The symposium starts Friday, November 2, at 5pm EDT (9pm UTC) and runs non-stop for 36 hours, ending at 8pm EDT (midnight UTC) on Saturday, November 4. Then our WikiTree Day will officially kick off at 8am EDT (noon ETC) on Sunday, November 5.


Registration is now open for this event.

This is entirely free and open to anyone! You can attend without registering, but registration is necessary for certain events, invitations, and to be eligible for door prizes.


We are excited to have many wonderful speakers presenting for this event. You can view the list of the speakers here. For a more detailed list with presentation descriptions see here.

Event Schedule

Symposium Schedule (November 2-4)

WikiTree Day Schedule (November 5)


Learn How to Research Your Family Tree


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